What is My-Diary?
Saturday, February 8, 2025

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Registration Benefits (know more about..)

Centralised Access to Services
Easy Contacts Management
Get Reminded for Appointments
Task Reminders - with Recurring reminders
Secured Personal Diary
Favourite Sites - categorised management
Integrated Greetings

Click on the links above to know more about each feature of my diary

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What is My-Diary ?

My Diary is a unique solution for all users who want to ease-up their daily tasks like managing Contacts, Reminders, Appointments, Favourite links, Personal Diary, Egreetings and lot more. You can manage all these data in My-Diary. This is very secure and centralised. Since, it is stored on web, you can access this data from any part of world.

On Registering in My-Diary, you receive a wide range of facilities apart from the list mentioned above. All this comes with a unique password management system and you can access this information very securely from any part of the world.

What are the Benefits of Centralised Management?

That means that once you register in EDiary, you can use same username and password to access various other services like JOBs, Matrimonials, Realestate, Tourism, Modelling, Artist. Just one mouse click can register you absolutely free in any of these categories. You get advantage of all new services launched by surajinfo.com instantly.

CONTACTS Management

The Contacts page gives you facility to remember all information about your contacts - like Address, Birth Date, Anniverary date, Email address, Phone Numbers. Need More? yes, you can even arrange the contacts in specific groups defined by you. That means that now you can create contact groups like - Friends, Business, Personal, Special and so on. Still need more? You get reminded of the birthdays and anniversaries of your contacts in current week as soon as you log on to the site. With My-Diary, Managements of contacts has become very easy now.

Appointments Facility

Get Reminded of your appointments. Now you wont forget the appointments coz once you enter them in the appointments section, you get reminded everytime you logon. You can Enter detailed information like - Name of person with whom you have an Appointment, Date, Time, CompanyName, Location etc. We also have provided you with facility to remind the other person about the appointment by entering his/her Email address. All this comes with a very easy interface that makes managing appointments much faster and easier.

Task Reminders

Do you forget small but important tasks, well most people do. The reminder service in My-Diary takes care of that. Just enter your reminders, the time and its recurrence pattern. That means - if you want to get reminded on 1st of every month (or any day), just set the recurrence pattern to monthly and you get reminded on that day of every month. For your ease, we have provided patterns like - daily, weekly (can be set to any day of week), monthly and yearly too. So now payments of your bills, Insurance policies, Taxes will be in time coz you get reminded in time..

Personal E-Diary

You can store your daily jottings/notes in a very securely. We have solved the main problem of searching in daily notings. Just enter your daily notes and whenever you want to find a specific entry - say all the notes written about your girlfriend, just put her name in search box and viola !! You've got the notes of all days whenever you've mentioned her. You can browse through your notes with great convinience with our easy navigation system. The personal notes are very secured and you get rid of fear of the notes getting exposed to someone.

Favourite Sites

You do have facility of managing your favourite sites in your browsers. But you cant carry them around on whatever pc you browse internet from. My-Diary provides you with the service of managing your favourite sites. You can categories the sites groupwise - that makes finding favourite site easier. The main benefit is that these favourite links are accessible from anywhere. You also get a added facility of entering your remarks against the sites you have stored.

Integrated Greetings

My-diary is linked with exclusive collection of egreetings on surajinfo.com. Whenever your get reminded about any birthday or anniversary, Egreetings come as handly tool to send greetings immediately to your beloved ones. Since, the section is also linked to your contact list, you can send greetings to your contact just by selecting their names from the list. You can also send a greeting to multiple contacts at a time - All you have to do is to just select the names from the list and they get added to the recipient list. That saves a lot of time. The main benefit you get is you get readymade greetings that are updated constantly.